
ORIGINAL WH Heer SA-Feldherrnhalle Unteroffizier Schulterklappen äusserst selten - Original German Army very scarce SA-Feldherrnhalle Sergeant shoulder boards FHH - Paio di spalline originali della SA-Feldherrnhalle da Sottufficiale molto raro

An absolute UNIQUE & SCARCE piece of ww2 history * on fieldgrey - auf feldgrau - su panno grigioverde * with Feldherrnhalle cyphers - mit FHH Truppenkennzeichen * piped by Artillery red - Artillerie rote Paspelierung - filletato in rosso Artiglieria

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.....some info on the rare original Feldherrnhalle cyphers/ das Truppenabzeichen der Feldherrnhalle Verbände

While the "Feldherrnhalle" was still designated as  Panzer-Grenadier-Division " Feldherrnhalle " FHH-1 ~ originated out of 60th Infanterie Division (mot) in march 1943, the S.A. Feldherrnhalle "Kampfrunen" cypher was introduced for wear on the shoulder boards and shoulder straps of all Feldherrnhalle personnel.

NCO wore silver or aluminum FHH cyphers  The above shown shoulder boards come in the dull aluminum pattern ). Officers however wore stamped metal device in gilt shade.